Taking time to care for yourself once in a while can make a world of a difference in your health, anxiety, and your mindset! When life is feeling stressful and you need to reflect on your inner-self, self care rituals can be grounding and help you to recharge. Self care in my opinion can look different for everyone, and does not always mean doing a face mask or getting a massage. Self care should be something that helps you with mental and emotional health while bringing you joy. Here are some of my favorite self care rituals that I practice on a regular basis.
Take 5 Minutes to Connect with Nature
Going outside on a walk, listening to the birds, or simply just sitting in the grass for a while can help with a change of scenery and help you connect with your surroundings.
Read your Favorite Book or Watch a Movie
Digging into that book you have been meaning to read, or watching your favorite TV show or movie can be a way to practice self care easily.
Catch Up with Friends
Self care does not always mean doing something by yourself. Whether it's calling, texting, facetime, or seeing a friend in person, having connections with the people around you is important for emotional health. You can talk with a friend for 10 minutes or a hour! Self care does not always mean doing something by yourself, but instead including others.
Try Meditation
I am sure you have heard that meditation is great for the mind, body, and soul, and especially starting your day with a quick morning meditation can be extremely beneficial. You can try meditation for 10 minutes or 30 minutes depending on what you feel up to doing.
Get Creative
Painting, drawing, crafting, trying new makeup looks.... there are many ways to get creative. Getting in touch with your creative side can be a great way to engage in self care .
Pamper yourself
Whether it's doing a face mask or getting a massage, there are many ways you can pamper yourself. Pampering yourself does not always mean that it has to be expensive or time consuming either, it can be something as simple as putting on your favorite outfit to meet some friends, or listening to some music and chilling out.
Do Some Yoga or Stretching
Yoga and stretching are great ways to connect with your body and soul. Many times looking up yoga flow videos on YouTube, or going to Pinterest for good stretches are the places I go for inspiration.
Journaling can be done in many ways such as 5 minute journals, writing with a journal prompt, or just writing and listening to what your mind wants you to write down. You can journal daily or just journal when you want to!
Speak Affirmations
Speaking positive words into the universe can not only help you manifest things in your life, but also a mindset. Positive affirmations can have a great effect on your mental and emotional health. Saying things such as, I am grateful, I am happy, I am love, they are simple but can truly be an easy way of completing self care.
Light candles or Diffuse Essential Oils
Sensory experiences can be an overlooked way of doing self care, but breathing in your favorite scent can be relaxing to your nervous system and to your body. Try burning or diffusing an essential oil while taking 5 deep breaths, and 5 long exhales.
Paint your Nails
You can go a salon or better yet you can stay home and paint your nails as self care. You can take some time to sit down with yourself and have some alone time, or you can make it a group activity by doing it with friends.
Take a Hot Shower or Bath
Hot showers and baths not only relax the mussels but they can help you to slow down and enjoy some time alone. You can get bath bombs or salts in the tub, or you can give yourself a great exfoliating treatment in the shower. Taking a shower or bath is something that we do all the time, but focussing on how to make it special once in a while can be an amazing self care ritual.