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Post on Happiness


What is happiness? The definition of happiness is a state of well-being and contentment, but what does happiness really look like and how do you achieve it? Everyone has a special meaning of happiness because happiness looks different for so many people. Happiness is not something that is visible, it is not an object or a person. If happiness came from the environment around you, your true joy would not be sustainable. When your happiness is dependent on other people or material things, you will always be chasing an ''ideal'' or a distorted image of happiness.

Society often tells us that having a ''perfect'' body, eating ''clean'' (whatever that even means), having the best social life, being popular, or other things we see in our culture will make up happy....but no! Happiness is something that comes from yourself without social pressures or cultural ideals telling you what happiness should mean to you. Happiness is a constant state of mind. For many years I thought that I could find happiness in a number, in controlling my food, in having the perfect social life, but none of that gave me true lasting happiness. Maybe I obtained an artificial buzz from these things, however I never gained actual peace from artificial happiness. These things that society tells us should make us happy might leave us feeling even more empty than before.

Just how everyone is so different, so is our definition of happiness. Through trial and error I have come to realize that the more I give into what society and culture tells me is ''right'' or ''healthy'', the further I am from my own happiness. Sometimes we think that happiness is something that we must change our looks, personality, or our surroundings to have, but I think that our natural state of being has happiness. The inner child has peace, joy, and true happiness; the outer world and social pressure can stray us from this and take our attention away from our simplest form. Looking inside and focussing on what it means to be alive, finding your connection to the most positive person you can be in this life. Finding happiness looks different for so many people, but finding ways your own personal way to cultivate happiness is not an easy journey, there is no step-by-step guide for all people. I believe when we fully embrace our true self, form deep connections with other around us, and focus on positive thoughts that serve us, we can open the door to happiness!

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